At Cordeck, we pride ourselves on nurturing talent and witnessing incredible journeys within our team. Today, we celebrate a significant milestone: Jose Dorantes’ 10th anniversary with us.

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From Production Labor to Project Coordinator

Jose Dorantes joined Cordeck in 2014 and has worn many hats over the years. Starting in production labor, he worked his way up through roles such as machine operator, customer care, and project services. Today, he serves as a Project Coordinator for In-Floor Sales, bringing a wealth of experience and dedication to the position. His journey through these varied roles has equipped him with a deep understanding of our operations and a unique ability to support our team and customers.

Jose’s approach to his role is straightforward and effective: “Listen to the customer and find out how I can help them.” This simple yet profound philosophy has guided him in supporting both our customers and team every day. He is known for his dedication to teamwork and problem-solving, stating, “The interaction with the team and customers and problem-solving” are what he loves most about his career. This dedication is reflected in everything he does, making him an invaluable part of our team.

Jose’s Passion for Food and Family

Outside of work, Jose is a food enthusiast. “I love food and trying new cuisine. I am always up for new suggestions from family and friends,” he shares. This passion for culinary adventures is something his colleagues often associate with him, adding a fun and relatable dimension to his persona at work. When he’s not at work, Jose enjoys spending time with his family, cherishing the moments of relaxation and connection.

Colleagues Reflect on Jose’s Dedication

Jose’s former manager, Bob Kramer, commends him for his inquisitive nature and willingness to help others. “Jose always asked a lot of questions. It could get a little overwhelming when we were extremely busy, but in the end, I think it’s one of the reasons that he continues to have success here at Cordeck. Jose has gone from cutting deck with a saw to standing in front of rooms of engineers explaining how our wire deck system works. It’s truly amazing the amount of work he has put in to get where he is. Again, back to the questions. Jose is always willing to answer anyone’s questions. He is easy to talk to and a good number of employees go to him when they need assistance with something.”

Kenny Moore, Jose’s current manager, also highlights his dedication and growth: “The first thing that comes to mind when I think of Jose is food. Jose loves food. On a serious note, the first thing that comes to mind is dedication. Jose is dedicated to making himself, others, and Cordeck a better place every day. Jose is an example of growing from within. He started as a plant worker and then moved into sales on the metal deck side and now is the project coordinator for both in-floor and metal deck sales. Jose embodies our ‘whatever it takes’ philosophy. He is willing to help anyone at any time. He always goes the extra mile to help explain things to people and train people on not only metal deck but also the Cordeck philosophy and how we operate.”

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Former manager Rich Szolwinski recalls Jose’s journey with fondness and admiration: “When I joined Cordeck in 2014, Jose was working in the Kenosha shop as a General Worker. I was told that he had recently returned to Cordeck and was definitely someone that was valuable to the organization, thus the reason for his rehiring. Jose was dedicated to every task he was assigned and was willing to learn every operation, given the opportunity. He took advantage of any extra time that was made available to him, and his willingness to train in multiple areas made him a valuable resource to Cordeck. It was apparent to everyone that Jose was smart and a quick learner. He took the training offered to him seriously and became an even more valuable asset. With that in mind, we began to consider him for even more duties outside of the manufacturing floor. Jose also began to inquire about each and every opening that presented itself as Cordeck began its aggressive growth. Though many of the openings were outside of a traditional career path, through interviews, we began to realize that Jose was an ‘uncut gem.’ As he progressed into new opportunities, it was apparent that Jose was not only eager to learn but was willing to assist others, whether they were his prior co-workers in the shop or his new co-workers in the office. He has never been shy to offer his knowledge base or past experiences to help others. That’s not a trait that you see very often as a person moves into new positions. I personally use Jose’s career growth story in my interviews with all candidates, regardless of the position. He is a model of Cordeck’s Core Value to allow employees to grow and strive for anything that they pursue. Congratulations, Jose, on your 10 Year Anniversary!”

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Jose’s co-workers also have high praise for him. Angie Ruckstadter notes, “Jose comes to work with the willingness and ability to help others. His experience and expertise are relied upon by many departments. He makes himself available to coach, train, and mentor. Everyone knows they can rely on Jose and he is always happy to help. Jose inspires a positive work environment. He brightens the workplace with his ability to keep us not only productive and positive but he also makes us laugh. Jose has provided Cordeck employees with something to strive for. He comes to work every day prepared to help, teach, and learn. His sense of humor and positive outlook helps make Cordeck a great place to work.”

Tre Cummings emphasizes Jose’s influence: “Jose’s contribution to the Cordeck team is immeasurable. He is a person who takes pride in his work in Cordeck and in helping others. He will always lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it and does it with a smile no matter how his day may be going. He is always looking for solutions and ways to do things better. He leads by example and you really can’t help but be a better person and employee when you’re around him because his energy is infectious to all who he crosses paths with. Whether it’s a co-worker, customer, or stranger, he just has a way with people. If I could say anything to Jose on his 10 year anniversary it would be THANK YOU. Thank you for being a great example of hard work, kindness, and respect for us all. Thank you for teaching and mentoring me the last 2 years and thank you for always picking great spots to eat. We appreciate that the most.”

Karen Kaiser adds, “Jose’s contribution is downright motivational! He is the ‘go-to guy’ for information and understands the process between project creation and billing beyond reproach. If I could say just one thing to Jose on his ten year anniversary, it would be that Cordeck would not be the same without your expertise and knowledge and we are so privileged to have you with us!”

Congratulations, Jose, on a decade of dedication, growth, and excellence at Cordeck. Here’s to many more years of success and contribution!