Blue Cross Blue Shield Project Details
Architect: Goettsch Partners, Inc – Chicago, IL
General Contractor: Walsh Construction– Chicago, IL
Structural Engineer: Magnusson Klemencic Associates– Chicago, IL
Electrical Contractor: Consentini Associates, Inc– Chicago, IL
Cordeck System: N-R-G-FLOR+® In Floor Cellular Raceway System
A year before construction began, Cordeck was involved with the structural engineering and electrical layout of the deck, trench, and presets. The span conditions and the design of the existing structure were issues addressed and resolved during the working drawing phase of the addition.
For this groundbreaking twenty-five story vertical addition project, Cordeck’s N-R-G-FLOR® cellular floor system was chosen for its flexibility, ease of use, and ability to match the existing system in the lower levels. Building capacity was nearly doubled, adding one million square feet of office space.
“I wanted to thank your company for making the Blue Cross Blue Shield project such a success. The overall commitment to the project was evident by the attention to detail, coordination, and delivery schedule.” -Frank Ruffolo Project Manager – Becker Electrical Group