EMC Insurance Project Details
Architect: Brooks Borg Skiles Architecture Engineering LLC – Des Moines, IA
General Contractor: Neumann Brothers, Inc– Des Moines, IA
Structural Engineer: Raker Rhodes Engineering– Des Moines, IA
Electrical Contractor: Baker Electric, Inc– Des Moines, IA
Cordeck System: N-R-G-FLOR+® In Floor Cellular Raceway System
With the knowledge of how well Cordeck’s In Floor Raceway System worked in their main office building, it only made sense that EMC Insurance continue to use our systems in their new expansion. The 160,000-square foot, four story expansion brings the innovative wire management capability to EMC’s new 124-seat auditorium, conference spaces, and office spaces on the third and fourth floor.
Cordeck’s In-Floor Raceway System was chosen in part because of the maximum security provided. The tamper resistant routings are ideal given the company’s sensitive customer information.